The message of the Holy Father

Pope Francis addressed a letter to the organisers and participants of the seminar. In this letter Pope Francis wrote:
[…]”The culture of life is a heritage that Christians must share with everyone. Every human life, unique and unrepeatable, has inestimable value. This must be proclaimed again and again, with the courage of words and deeds. I hope that reflecting on this particular problem can help many people to realise that physical health is a gift of God, which the Lord has given us and which we must take care of responsibly”.[…]

Amb. Przemysław Häuser-Schöneich

Ambassador of the Order of Malta to Antigua and Barbuda and Grenada. Special Envoy of the Order of Malta to Indonesia. Entrepreneur, film producer, Vatican scholar and social activist. Specialist in the papacy, Vatican history and Vatican diplomacy. Long-time collaborator to two Vatican dicasteries: Pontifical Council for the Laity and Pontifical Council Giusticia e Pace […]

Prof. Szczepan Cofta

Doctor of medicine, pulmonary internist. For several decades an employee of the Chair and Clinic of Pulmonology, Allergology and Pulmonary Oncology of the Karol Marcinkowski Medical University in Poznan. Chief Physician of the “Transfiguration of Our Lord” Clinical Hospital. Provincial Consultant for Pulmonary Diseases and Director of Covid -19, the largest temporary hospital in Poland. […]

Rev. Prof. Robert Nęcek

Rev. Prof. Robert Nęcek. A priest of the Archdiocese of Krakow, educator, ethicist, an eminent expert on the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church and issues on social communication. In the years 2005-2016 spokesman for the Archdiocese of Krakow, professor at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, PhD in social sciences, head […]